Exam Conditions


I have just finished my first week of mocks. Hooray! But I have another lot next week *goes and cries in the corner*. I need to get a few things off my chest, and where better to do that than on the Internet!

Okay first, why do they make the exam hall so frickin’ cold? They want you to write a three page English essay in an hour, but you can’t concentrate because you are shivering like mad…or as my friend said, ‘shaking like a brick’. How can they expect me to find a quadratic equation if my eye balls are turning into ice cubes? It is so cold in there that I resorted to wearing a long sleeve t-shirt under my polo shirt.

Secondly, they said you can have a clear drink bottle. I had a see-through purple bottle and I got told off for it. I mean, did…

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